About Us

What we believe

We believe, out of His unconditional love for us, God has initiated a relationship with us through His Son Jesus Christ. We express this relationship through baptism, the Lord’s Supper, worship, fellowship, ministry and Bible study. We believe that God gave us the Bible to reveal who He is. The Bible is worthy of our study and contains God-given instructions to enable us to have fulfilled lives and to live the life God planned for us.

We also believe that we all have equal access to God and an equal say in the church. We believe the church is a gathering of persons who want to grow in their relationship with God and to assist and be assisted by others.

Our church is an autonomous fellowship and we affiliate with a Baptist denomination called Converge. See our Links page for websites for Converge & Converge PacWest.

Our mission is to serve Christians and churches as they discover and fulfill their God-given mission.


The day to day activities & direction of our church are overseen by a Church Board. Once a year in November, we have an annual business meeting where the active members of the church vote on any By-laws changes, the annual budget, the Board Members, and any other important matters as defined by our By-laws.